How to better assess methane footprint of your activities or activities you want to monitor?
Methane is the second-largest driver of global warning. Being able to limit warming under 1.5°C require cutting anthropogenic emissions of methane. Companies have the opportunity to do that with limited costs.
Assessing is a prerequisite for defining baselines and assessing the effectiveness of mitigation measures.
We are bringing alternative measurement methods, from space, to help build a comprehensive view of methane emissions by emitters. It comes as a complement to traditional evaluation (emissions factors which are not reliable) or UAV’s measurements to corroborate analysis.
With a combination of sensors along with weather data, we perform calculations to estimate the flow rate of methane emitted from a specific source over time.
The procedure to estimate the output rate of methane for a given facility implies complex processing we manage for you. The data from the satellite instruments need to be atmosphere corrected using radiative transfer tools. The concentration of methane in the air column of each pixel must be inferred from the excess lack of transmittance at the wavelengths specific to methane absorption. Finally, locating the point of emission of a plume of methane and its rate of flow rate need a mix of inversion and machine learning algorithms involving meteorological models and external data.